Friday Fictioneers

I do love a good challenge! 100 words prompted by this photo:


Early morning light filters through the window. Dust lingers in the corner, but there is no sign of the events that happened this evening past. 

Hearts were broken and celebrations had. Promotions made and work discussed, lust unrequited and promises made. All in a nights passing at the Red Dragon.

The owners came over from China in the 40’s hoping to live a better life. Business was slow at first, but eventually word spread of a new restaurant in town. By the 60’s they were prosperous enough to hand it over to their son whom owns it to this day.

17 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers

  1. Good one. Here’s mine:

    A sallow light lingered in the kitchen air. The stillness after the fight made Beth wish she wasn’t so tidy. There should be some sign. The kitchen should show that in an instant everything had changed forever. The room should be chaotic, like an apartment tossed by a thief.

    On a sudden impulse, Beth took up the corner of the table cloth and yanked. The antique vase she and Lewis had bought at a street fair shattered. She stood frozen, staring at the green shards of pottery.

    Beth sobbed, for the vase, for Lewis, for everything.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I had a very difficult time trying to leave a comment on your blog post and wasn’t able to say much because of it. For some reason, when I went into your blog post it took me to your blog post in the reader. It is difficult to type comments from the reader. Just thought you should know.

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  2. What a great tale of behind the scenes restaurants owning. They would be privvy to so much romance and broken romance, promotions and all the things you mentioned and more. I think if they could hand it over after 20 years they did very well. I pity the son though for he has now been running it for over 50 years. Having been in the restaurant trade myself that sounds like absolute torture.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. G’day – real liked the first two paragraphs – great examples of showing not telling. 1) the light & dust etc – description draws a marvellous picture, 2) highlights the moments & emotions at the restaurant really well.

    The last paragraph didn’t grab me as much – it’s still good, don’t get me wrong- but it seemed more ‘telling’ in nature and misses some of the poetry of the first two.

    Still I liked this a lot ๐Ÿ™‚

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